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Impulse Group Accused Of Age Discrimination

Age discrimination charges are being leveled against a local LGBT organization following a highly publicized pool party in Miami.

Last week Impulse Group South Florida hosted a flashy event at the recently renovated Vagabond Hotel bringing their educational efforts to the historic location.   Young men and women in swimsuits posed for pictures and videos, which were plastered all over social media sites for the event, titled “Get Wet.” Most of the postings included the hashtag, #JudgementIsDirty.

Dirty or not, judgment came quickly when word spread of the party’s door charges. Those wishing to attend the event who were under the age of 40, were admitted free into the Vagabond, but if you were a 41-year-old or older then a $50 donation to the group was required. SFGN received numerous complaints both leading up to the event and all through the weekend.

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And let’s be honest, that’s pretty darn gay.

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