It’s only April, and Pride season is already getting off to a great start with the inaugural Orgullo Latino Las Vegas Pride, brought to you by the Southern Nevada Association of Pride, Inc. This festival will be the first to focus exclusively on Latino/as and personally, this writer hopes that other cities catch on and implement similar Prides.
The purpose of Orgullo Latino Las Vegas Pride is to “encourage and promote cultural pride by uniting the LGBT Latino organizations, community groups, schools and businesses to share Hispanic customs, culture, music, dance and traditional food. The goal is to enhance Latino LGBT cultural recognition, educate and preserve the collective past of the LGBT Latino Heritage.” What an amazing vision!
I was fortunate enough to be able to chat with Jorge Garcia-Solorio, the man behind this fabulous festival, and pose a few questions regarding the event. When asked what prompted a Latino/a Pride, Solorio had this to say: “Las Vegas’ Latin community has been increasing year over year and becoming very active. This past year [2014], our entertainment committee decided to dedicate a time slot specifically for Latin music and entertainment; the response to this was extremely positive and exciting. Many spectators and sponsors suggested we design a festival focused on the Latin community.”