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Philly Faces Up

The city of Philadelphia launches a new LGBT exhibition.

Philadelphia is about to raise its already “sky-high” support for the LGBTQ community: The City of Philadelphia Mural Arts Program has announced its latest project, Showing Face, a series of photograph portraits to appear on billboards across the region and on citywide bus shelters, showcasing the product of a yearlong collaboration between Philadelphia LGBTQ youth and seniors.

A partner of the Mural Arts Program in creating this cross-generational alliance was the John C. Anderson Apartments, the city’s first housing project dedicated to providing welcoming, affordable housing for LGBTQ seniors. The residents from these apartments and the young millennials from fellow partner Attic Youth Center served as the photographs’ subjects, as their interactions brought to light the huge generational gap in the LGBTQ community. Contemporary queer experience is much more visible, and thereforemore accessible,totoday’s young folks than it was decades ago, when today’s seniors, as young adults, had to blindly navigate their identities in an intensely oppressive environment.

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