Memorial Day is nearly upon us and that means thoughts go to vacations and for many that means the beach. For me, the beach of choice is Rehoboth Beach, Del. As a homeowner there for many years it also means traffic congestion, parking woes and dealing with the day-trippers who swarm the place. Depending on your point of view this summer season portends to be worse than ever because of a good economy, new stores and outlets on Route 1 and parking problems in town; or better than ever because of some of the same things.
I look forward to another great summer. As a gay man who has been going to Rehoboth for more than 30 years, it’s wonderful the town has gained a well-earned reputation for being LGBT friendly. There are many gay-owned and operated restaurants and businesses and every business is gay friendly. You can walk down the street holding hands with your partner and generally feel really comfortable doing it.