Space, place, neighborhood and household — these are all terms we use in everyday life to describe where we like to hang out, play, sleep, eat and love. Because we identify ourselves through things such as names, sexual and gender identities, race/ethnicity and national origin, it is fair to say that when discussing intersectionality, the concept of space must be included. Geographical differences — let alone physically variant — are also culturally variant. In the last half century, the United States has changed dramatically in regards to geographic identity — particularly in urban neighborhoods and housing developments.
According to, gentrification is “the process of wealthier residents moving to an area and the changes that occur due to the influx of wealth.” I chose this definition due to its specific focus on wealth. Socioeconomic identities (e.g., the wealthy, the poor) are social categories that not only tie into neighborhood or geographical character, but also this overarching concept of intersectionality.